Thursday, November 11, 2010

House Will Vote On Pension Reform

House Democratic leaders have reversed course, and will now hold a voting session Monday. Top Democrats had planned to come back and vote on a pension overhaul and other measures after the election, but suddenly canceled remaining voting days on Friday afternoon.
Dozens of rank-and-file Democrats protested. Many, including Bill DeWeese of Greene County, blamed Appropriations Committee Chair Dwight Evans for the cancellation.

"It was unilaterally Dwight. No doubt, no doubt."

One member said Evans felt threatened by a section of the pension bill creating a new legislative fiscal office.
Evans’ spokeswoman, Johnna Pro, disagrees.

"The Appropriations Chairman has no authority to cancel a voting session. That is the role of the Leader and the Speaker."

Berks County Democrat Thomas Caltagirone says Evans was threatened by the pension bill.

"The pension bill has a provision for fiscal oversight in there. That makes him extremely nervous."

Speaker Keith McCall has now informed members a voting session will take place on November 15th, at one o’clock.
A Republican spokesman warns the pension bill might not have as much support as it did before, though – saying members of both parties might vote no, thinking they can write a better bill next year, when Republicans take control.

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