From: M JN []
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2011 1:07 PM
To: PPP Information
Subject: Partisan Propoganda Polling
Dear Partisan Propoganda Polling,
PPP/Kos/SEIU you are now even more of a joke than you were before. Your polls are such lies that are growing more and more outrageous by the month. You really have been proven to be Propoganda Polling except you don't poll, you just make it up. Everything you put out on Palin is suspect. What kind of a Pollster puts out a Palin vs Charlie Sheen poll and polls the favorability of Levi Johnston and Asks Alaskan's if they Can See Russia. Are you kidding? You Pathetic Partisan Loons really hate Palin and the fact that you include such questions make you a joke. PPP is agenda driven garbage and your polls on Palin are not believed by anyone but the moronic left. Plus your latest poll on John Kasich with a 35% Approval and 54% Disapproval, How much did the Unions Pay for that Propoganda? You are making it up because Kasich is going after the People that write your Checks, the Unions. Public Propoganda Polling is now alligned with the Daily Kooks and SEIU, so we know that your polls are Left Wing Propoganda. Your Anti-Palin agenda is so obvious, you poll the favorability of Levi Johnston and her versus Charlie Sheen. Left Wing Lunatics and Derranged Palin Haters should not be in the Polling Business. Your Alaska Polls were way off in Every Race because you don't poll! Public Propoganda's South Dakota polls are Laughable, your numbers on Palin and Kristi Noem are bullcrap. Everything you put out on Palin is bullcrap and every poll that you put out is bullcrap. Partisan Democrats have no interest in Accurate Polls. You lie! Your South Dakota numbers are bogus, your Missouri Numbers are bogus, your Palin numbers are bogus, and your credibility is Non-Existent. If Palin Runs, your propoganda fails.
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