Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Energy, Oil Take Plunge (GMXR) (DWSN) (TGS) (GDP) (EVEP)

GMX Resources Inc. fell 0.21% in today's trading to $4.72 per share. 158,788 shares were traded so far in today's session. On average, a total of 2 million shares are exchanged in GMXR each day.

Dawson Geophysical Co. stayed at the unchanged level of $32.62 in today's trading. Shares of Dawson Geophysical Co. have traded as high as $50.81 per share and as low as $20.05 in the last year.

Transportadora de Gas del (TGS) stock broke even at $3.6 in today's trading. 0 shares were traded so far in today's session. On average, a total of 66,941 shares are exchanged in TGS each day.

Shares of Goodrich Petroleum Corp. (GDP) dropped $0.229 per share or 1.22%, falling to $18.611. Shares of Goodrich Petroleum Corp. have traded as high as $23.8 per share and as low as $10.54 in the last year.

Shares of EV Energy Partners, L.P. (EVEP) stayed at the unchanged level of $52.45 in today's trading. 0 shares were traded so far in today's session. On average, a total of 439,802 shares are exchanged in EVEP each day.

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