Monday, October 4, 2010

Father Pushes For Bill in Daughter's Memory

Gary Cuccia, father of a 16-year-old Monroeville girl who was killed by an ex-boyfriend in 2007 will be rallying in Harrisburg on Tuesday. He will be pushing for a bill named after his daughter. Demi's Bill, would require Pennsylvania public schools to teach students in grades 7-12 about teen dating violence as part of their health curriculum.

Cuccia said he did not know about teenage dating violence until his daughter's death. Had his daughter learned about teenage dating violence she would have known where to get help and might not have died.

The signs can include extreme jealousy, controlling behavior and isolating a partner from friends and family.

Demi's killer is now serving a life sentence in prison.

House bill 2026 was introduced by Representative Scott Conklin last year. It passed the House and is sitting in the Senate Education Committee. It is now wrapped into an omnibus bill. Rhode Island and several other states already have similar laws.

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