Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Aflac dismisses Gilbert "Gotfired" (NYSE: AFL)

Aflac, commercial spokesman Gilbert Gottfried was fired today after unleashing a tsunami of inappropriate remarks regarding: the earthquake in Japan, the tsunami in Japan, and the nuclear meltdown in Japan. Gottfried went 3 for 3 hitting all the sensitive issues over three jokes, which landed the 56 year old comedian out of at least one job. Aflac, the insurance giant, described Gottfried jokes as tasteless and announced that it will now looking for a new actor to play its iconic duck.

Gottfried posted on twitter the following "tasteless jokes":

"I just split up with my girlfriend, but like the Japanese say, ‘They’ll be another one floating by any minute now."

"Japan is really advanced. They don't go to the beach. The beach comes to them."

"Maybe those jokes are a hit in the US, but over here, they're all sinking."

Gottfried has since apologized for his remarks, saying "I sincerely apologize to anyone who was offended by my attempt at humor regarding the tragedy in Japan. I meant no disrespect, and my thoughts are with the victims and their families." He has also removed his comments from twitter. Though these sort of comments are not new for the comedian, three weeks after 9/11 he made light of the tragedy at a Friars club which prompted boos from the audience.

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