Thursday, March 17, 2011

Airlines make it expensive to celebrate Holi this year

Your last minute decision to fly to Patna to your family on Holi is going to colour your bank balance red. Airfares to the Bihar capital have soared to four times more than the normal fare as airlines are cashing in on the seasonal demand to maximise their profits.

With most seats sold out in Mumbai-Patna and Delhi-Patna sectors, the remaining seats are offered at a substantial premium. For those who have to fly, there is no other option but to pay up. Clearly, the warnings issued to airlines by aviation regulator Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) against such anti consumer practices has fallen on deaf ears.

In fact, the toothless DGCA had failed to even get airlines to implement its advisory to display their peak fares for any sectors prominently on their website well in advance, Airlines uploaded incomprehensible fare charts which even seasoned travel industry pros had a tough time figuring out. And under the benign patronage of the civil aviation ministry, domestic airlines have continued to make merry at the expense of the consumer.

Consider this: anyone planning to buy a Jet Airways ticket from Delhi to Patna on March 18 will have to pay Rs. 13,334 one- way, while a return ticket for March 21 is available for just Rs. 6,834. If you are a Jet Airways passenger from Mumbai to Patna, you have to shell out Rs. 27,917 to fly via Delhi as the airline does not have a Mumbai-Patna direct flight.

Kingfisher is charging Rs. 17,482 for a one way ticket from Mumbai to Patna on March 18 so that you could enjoy you Holi drink and join old friends. All tickets in Air India (AI) Delhi- Patna sector have been sold out. But you can return on March 21 at as cheap as Rs. 3,195 by Air India. IndiGo, the low fare budget airline is charging you Rs. 8,599 from Delhi to Patna if you are buying the ticket for March 18.

A section of passengers have accused the airlines of taking advantage of their situation and charging excessive fare in violation of Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) guidelines. But airlines have denied this. “ This is sheer exploitation. Holi and Diwali are two main festivals for us and one has to go at any cost,” said Vikash Verma, chairman of G7 Securitas Group and an avid Holi celebrator.

An AI spokesperson said that the airline never hikes fare at such junctures. “ We are very transparent in our fares. When the fares on the lower slabs get sold out, one has to pay more. Those who book early do get the cheapest fares,” the spokesperson said.

Jet and Kingfisher airlines were not available for comment. But according to travel agents, this abnormal pricing was an outcome of demand supply gap and the airlines should not be held solely responsible.

“ There are few flights in such sectors and the demand goes up during such a festive peak situation. Naturally one has to pay more while buying at the last moment. You cannot blame the airlines,” said Ankur Bhatia, executive director of Bird Group, an aviation consultancy.

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