Friday, March 18, 2011

Fox News Polling

There's been some speculation in the last few weeks that Glenn Beck might not have his contract with Fox News renewed when it comes up later this year, but our newest national poll finds that would be a big mistake with the network's viewers.

65% of voters who say that they regularly watch Fox News want Beck's show to continue, compared to 16% who think he should be fired and 19% who are unsure. Among all Americans just 44% think Beck's show should still air to 32% who think he should be fired but those lower numbers are because most of the sentiment for getting rid of him comes from folks who don't actually watch the network. 47% of non-Fox News viewers would like to see Beck lose his job to 25% who think he should be kept around.

Here are some other poll findings among people who described themselves as regular viewers of Fox News:

-Barack Obama's approval rating is 27%, with 68% of voters disapproving of him. That's higher than I would have expected.

-Among the most likely Republican Presidential candidates Mike Huckabee leads the way with a +19 favorability spread at 45/26. He's followed by Sarah Palin at +16 (53/37), Mitt Romney at +4 (40/36), and Newt Gingrich at +2 (41/39). Those numbers are particularly problematic for Romney and Gingrich, it's hard to imagine someone taking the GOP Presidential nomination with only narrowly positive favorability numbers among Fox News viewers.

-More popular than any of this quartet with Fox watchers is Scott Walker at a +30 spread (51/21). Going to be interesting to see how much of a push there is from the Republican base for him to shoot for the White House.

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