Monday, March 14, 2011

Nikkei In Free Fall (NYSE: SNE), 500, DOW

NEW YORK - The Nikkei Japan's largest index is in free fall as the country is there is now a larger risk of a nuclear metldown. The Japanese benchmark is down a catastrophic 14% as we near the close in Japan. The Japanese share market's benchmark is down over 20% per cent in the last two days, wiping out nearly 2 years worth of gains. Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan tried to calm the markets on fears over the the danger from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant. Authorities now believe the reactor has been damaged. People now believe that nuclear fallout from the reactor could reach Tokyo within 10 hours.

The Prime Minister said that people within 30 km should say indoors. Last night, Japan's chief government spokesman Yukio Edano said a meltdown was"highly likely" at three of the plant's nuclear reactors on the country's shattered northeastern coast,

The official death toll in Japan has now topped 2,400 yesterday it was at 1,647 with 3118 missing.

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